17 Mei 2009

Chain Goodness

pagi ini saya mendapatkan cerita yang sungguh bagus dari mas marianus, sebuah cerita yang sangat menyentuh dan sangat bermakna, terutama bagi saya. saya berharap semua orang juga bisa memetik hikmah dari cerita ini.. sengaja saya ketik ulang cerita ini dengan bahasa inggris, bukan bermaksud sombong, tetapi saya berharap cerita ini dapat dimengerti oleh siaapa sajaaa.. dan tentunya karena saya menulisnya kembali dalam bahasa inggris maka saya juga berharap seluruh orang dari seluruh penjuru dunia dapat membaca dan mengambil hikmah dari cerita ini... tapi jika anda kesusahan untuk mengerti aatu memahami tulisan sok keminggris ini,,, silahkan baca versi bahasa indonesianya disini....

ini ceritanya...

One day a man saw an elderly woman standing confusion in the street. Although the day was quite dark, the men could see that being the wife needs help. So the man stopped the car in front of the Benz car out and the woman approached. Pontiac cars will still work when the men approached the lady.

Although the man was smiling, the woman is still terrified. No one stops for a few hours help this. Is this man will scared him? Men do not look that good. It seems poor and hungry. The man can see that the woman was terrified, while standing there in the cold. He knows how the woman. Fear that the lady to make a cold.

The man said, "I'm here to help you, Mrs. Log in to the car just so you feel warm! by the way, my name Bryan Anderson."

wow, it was actually only a flat tire, but for women more like him, the incident was bad enough. Bryan crawl down to the saloon, looking for a place to install a jack. During the few times up the finger-finger hit the ground. Soon he can change the tire .. But the result so he hands dirty and hurt.

When the male screw-bolts bolt tire, the woman down the glass and the car tried to chat with the men. He told the men that he came from St. .. Louis, and only through being in this way. He was very much obliged upon the help of men. Bryan just smiled when he close the baggage car the woman. The wife asks how much he must pay as the expression of love received. Whatever is not a problem for women is rich. He is chilling to imagine all the things that may happen if the men did not help him.

Bryan never thought to get paid. He helps other people without purpose. He was always helping people in trouble, and God knows that many people had helped himself at the time of.
he was already a life like that, and he did not do it otherwise.

Men said to the lady that if she wanted to give good, at the time of the next woman to see someone who needs help, he can provide the necessary assistance to the man, and Bryan added, "And rememberme to."

Bryan waited until the woman set off the car and passed. The day is cold and make the depression, but men that feel comfortable when he returned to the house, cut through the darkness into twilight.

Several kilometers from the place that the lady saw a small cafe. He came down from the car to find a little food, and warm the body before returning to the house. Restaurants that seem a bit dirty. Outside the cafe, two gas station that is old. Scenery around the place is very strange for him.

The servant to the woman and bring a towel to clean dust that women's hair wet. Waitress was sweet smile although he can not hide kelelahannya stand throughout the day. The wife saw that the waitress is being almost eight months pregnant, but the waitress did not let the situation affect his attitude to the customer service restaurants. Women go wonder how that servant who does not have anything this can provide a good service to himself as a foreigner. And remember that women go to the Bryan ....

After the woman completed a food, it was to pay the bill $ 100. The waitress quickly went to change money to the woman. When returning to table, what a pity that women have to go ... and the woman was already gone. Then he saw something written on the cloth on the table. There are tears when grain servant who is reading what is written that women:

"You do not do anything much to me .. I also have been fed people. A man who has helped me, doing the same thing as I do. If you want to reply to my goodness, here's what you should do: 'Do not let the chain of love this stop you. "

Under the lap there are four pieces of paper money $ 100 more.
Wah, still have tables that must be cleaned, toples sugar that must be filled, and those who have served, but the waitress decided to do it tomorrow. That night when he returned to the house and everything is OK after he ascended to the bed. He is thinking about money and what has been written by the woman. How good-hearted woman that knows about how much money that she and her husband need? With the baby to lahiran next month, is very difficult to get enough money.

She knew how worried her husband about their situation, and when her husband is sleeping next to it, the waitress gives soft kiss and whisper soft and slow, "Everything will be OK. I love u, Bryan Anderson!"

There are old saying that says, "Give and you are given." Today I send this touching story and I hope you forward. Let us shine the light of life.

saya harap cerita ini dapat menginspirasi siapa saja, dimana saja, kapan saja, dan dalam keadaan seperti apapun. bagikan kepada siapa saja teman anda, dan biarkan cinta kasih Nya selalu menyertai kita...



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